Thursday, June 2, 2011

How can I change the language in Outlook 2003?

I use Windows XP in German and I have Office 2003 installed in English. Everything in Outlook, the interface/spelling etc. is set to English and running in English fine, but the date seems to stay in German in the message header when I reply to an eMail. That is:

-----Original Message-----

From: Joe Bloggs []

Sent: Freitag, 06. Februar 2009 14:02

To: Joan Bloggs

Cc: Jane Bloggs

Subject: serial

Why is this happening and where can I change it to read in English like everything else in the programme?

ThanksHow can I change the language in Outlook 2003?
The only logical explanation I can think of, is your OS is in German therefore the clock [time, day, month] is in German.

Every time you write an email and send it, it is date stamped by the OS clock, so if it's in German it will write it in German.

I don't think you can change it because the date stamp is put on when you actually send it. So therefore you have no control over it.

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